British Homeowners Keen to Self-Build High-Tech Homes

British Homeowners Keen to Self-Build High-Tech Homes

New research has shown that there is still a strong desire amongst British homeowners to construct their own properties. Over a quarter of people in this country want to achieve this, and many of these people are also looking to include the latest technology into their home.

The Desire to Self-Build

The main reason property owners want to take on a self-build project is so that they can design a home exactly the way they want it. The research, which was carried out by Confused, the price-comparison site, showed that 79% of property owners had this aim. Building your own property means that you can add in all the elements you want, whether that's a stylish kitchen, en-suite bathroom, conservatory or an outdoor space with an iron balcony railing. According to the research, 33% of the people that were surveyed wanted to create a unique property rather than copying what their neighbours have.

High-Tech Homes

The growing demand for the latest gadgets can also be seen in the style of homes we want to build. 34% of people questioned said that their self-build property would contain more technological appliances than they currently have.

The majority of people want to see appliances that can be quickly and easily controlled through more high-tech means. For example, 34% of homeowners would want to use their smartphone to control appliances, and 21% aspire to have toilets that are self-flushing. A fifth of respondents would look to install lighting that is voice-activated within their dream property.

Looking to the Future

Even though many of us already have high-tech appliances in our home within the next 10 years, people expect to see many more become standard features of properties. By 2025, 44% of people believe that lighting that is voice-activated will be more popular. 43% also think that facial-recognition security systems will be common within residential properties. We will have to wait to see what the future holds and how far technology really does influence our daily lives.

Self-building is a way of creating a home that completely reflects your personality and meets your exact needs. Whether you dream of a high-tech home full of gadgets or a more traditional property with an iron balcony railing, designing your own property is the perfect way of achieving this. It's something that's likely to become much more common in the future.